Recovering America's Wildlife Act

One-third of all U.S. wildlife species currently face an elevated risk of extinction. Unless we take action, we risk losing our nation's treasured wildlife heritage - from backyard birds to bighorn sheep.

Habitat loss, climate change, invasive species, and emerging diseases are taking a toll on our nation’s birds, mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles, butterflies, and bees. The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act is a bold, bipartisan solution that will help at-risk species with cost-effective, collaborative conservation.

Tell Congress to take action for America's wildlife. ACT NOW

America's Wildlife Crisis

Roughly one-third of America’s wildlife species face an extinction risk. All categories of wildlife are declining—in many cases dramatically. More than 1,600 U.S. species are already listed under the federal Endangered Species Act, more than 150 U.S. species have already gone extinct, and nearly 500 additional species have not been seen in decades and may be extinct.

Widespread loss of species will lessen our quality of life and harm local and regional economies. For example, birds, bats, and butterflies create hundreds of billions of dollars in benefits to farmers by eating pests and fertilizing plants, but all are experiencing steep declines. Outdoor recreation adds nearly $900 billion to the economy each year and is often dependent on healthy wildlife populations and habitats.

Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

A Bold Vision for Funding Wildlife Conservation

Kestrel in Colorado

The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act will allow the states, territories, and tribes to invest up to $1.4 billion annually in proactive, on-the-ground, collaborative efforts to help species at risk by restoring habitat, controlling invasive species, reconnecting migration routes, addressing emerging diseases, and more.

Specifically, the bill will:

Tell Congress that wildlife can't wait any longer. SPEAK UP NOW.

Implementing Wildlife Action Plans

The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would give the states and territories up to $1.4 Billion a year to implement their Wildlife Action Plans – their science-based blueprints for protecting at-risk wildlife and plants. Collectively these plans identify more than 12,000 species of plants and animals in need of assistance.

The current source of federal funding for implementing these plans — the State Wildlife Grants Program — only provides around $65 million a year, split between all the states and territories. This is less than five percent of what would be needed to implement these federally-mandated plans in a meaningful way.

Investing in Tribal-led Conservation

The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would invest up to $98M annually in conservation work led by the 574 federally-recognized Tribes — their first-ever dedicated source of federal wildlife funding. Despite the fiscal constraints, many Tribal Nations have accomplished wildlife and land management programs that restore habitats and recover at-risk species such as bison, black-footed ferrets, and bighorn sheep.

This investment in Tribal conservation is long overdue – and an enormous opportunity. Tribal Nations own or influence the management of an estimated 140 million acres and these lands provide habitat for more than 525 threatened and endangered species.

Businesses and Non-Profits and Conservation Groups: SIGN THE LETTER TO CONGRESS
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Additional Resources:

Learn More

swift foxes

Wildlife Success Stories

12 hopeful reminders that when we invest in wildlife conservation, wildlife wins

golden eagle

7 Reasons to Support the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

Read the latest story from the National Wildlife Federation blog

Report: Reversing America's Wildlife Crisis

How the Recovering America's Wildlife Act can help species in trouble