Parent Child Dedication is a special time in which you make a formal commitment to raise your child in a Christ-centered home. We see several examples in the Bible such as 1 Samuel 1:24–2:10 where Hannah dedicated Samuel at the temple and Luke 2 where Mary and Joseph dedicated Jesus. Ideally,you will make the commitment in front of the church body or with a group of close friends and relatives as a public pledge that you will raise your child to know,love, and follow Jesus Christ. God designed the home as the primary place for faith to be nurtured. One way that we seek to partner with you is by providing resources throughout your child’s spiritual journey. We call this Milestones. Parent Child Dedication is the first step.
Parent Child Dedication is your commitment to model, teach, and reinforce the Christian Faith. It Should not be confused with your child’s personal choice to follow Christ. We believe the Bible clearly teaches that each person must decide for themselves to trust in Jesus Christ as both Savior And Lord (Romans 10:9-10). The age a child is ready to make this personal decision will vary depending on the child.
One of the most impactful investments we can make in our children’s faith formation is the habit of praying for them. Rather than repeating the same simple prayers asking for health, happiness, and safety, consider the ideas below to expand your prayer life and establish a meaningful routine of praying for your child.
You can begin praying for your baby during feedings or while he or she falls asleep in your arms. One simple method is to pray “from head to toes” by touching the child gently on the head as you pray and gradually moving your hand all the way down to his or her toes as you pray.
Another method is to begin praying scripture over your child inserting his or her name. For example, pray Psalm 23 by saying “Lord, be [NAME’S] shepherd so [HE/SHE] shall not want.” Jesus modeled the incredible power of combating Satan by speaking scripture aloud in order to align our desires with God’s purposes.