Umid application status check

Web and Mobile application for e-validation of identity of Railway Medical beneficiaries.

Registration, Approval and Card Generation Process is done completely on Electronic Platform.

End-to-End Solution for Medical Identity with complete Rule integration with built-in validation.

Registration for change of Health Units across units is facilitated on online application.

Hospital-wise Registered users database will facilitate debits and credits initiation.

Interfacing with Hospitals Plausible for Automatic Generation of OPD Slips.

Interfacing with Referral Hospitals plausible for authentication through Biometrics.

Interfacing with Hospitals tied up under CSTE scheme is possible for authentication through Biometrics.

Biometric & QR code systems along with integrated database of Pan Indian Identity numbers (PF no./PAN/Aadhar/PPO/Registered Mobile No. etc) to facilitate identity without physical card also.

Universal Applicability and Scalability to use the same software for any number of units or for Indian Railways as a Whole.

Continuous Validation Mechanism for regular updation of beneficiaries with back-end process. Thereby the cards are updated automatically for downloading anytime by employees in their mobiles or computers.

Humanistic Technology & Good Governance elements combine to deliver Customer Convenience and flawless Service.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is UMID ?

UMID is a smart health card system in Indian Railways.

It helps in providing Unique Identity to all medical beneficiaries individually through a unique number as a perpetual entity. This Unique Identity is further strengthen with unique smart feature of web-enabled QR code and Biometric identity with common database at all India level, this web and mobile application helps in identifying medical beneficiaries across all health units spanning all across Indian Railways.

2. What are the objectives of UMID ?

3. Understanding Smart card features in UMID

UMID is a smart health card system in Indian Railways.

It helps in providing Unique Identity to all medical beneficiaries individually through a unique number as a perpetual entity. This Unique Identity is further strengthen with unique smart feature of web-enabled QR code and Biometric identity with common database at all India level, this web and mobile application helps in identifying medical beneficiaries across all health units spanning all across Indian Railways.

4. Benefits of UMID

5.How UMID beckons for more Services in Future ?

6. How to Register and Apply for Smart Medical Card ?

  1. Web Application URL:
  2. Mobile application @ (Google Play Store)
  1. Choose Type of Beneficiaries (Employee/ Pensioner/ Other's).
  2. Identity Particulars (PAN, Date of Birth and PF number).
  3. Mobile Number Registration.
  1. Login through OTP.
  2. Initiate New Application.
  3. Fill up details of Self and Family Members.
  4. Upload Relevant Documents (as per checklist) and submit.

7. How to Download Medical ID Card ?

8. How to avail Medical Services through UMID ?

9. How Help Desk Works ?

10. How Checklist helps in Application Process ?

If all relevant documents as per different dependents (as per relationship to the Employee or Pensioner) are kept in readiness, the application process will be smooth and can be completed in few minutes at one go.
As a ready reckoner.

For Employee

For Pensioner


Info Circulars

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Info Circulars

S.No Name Date Letter No Desc
1. UMID Implementation Letter 18.03.2019 SCR/P/HQ/765/IT/UMID Implementation Modalities of UMID (Unique Medical Identification) Medical Cards in Indian Railways.
2. Debits & Credits 30.08.2018 2018/Trans.Cell/Health/Medical Issues Debit and Credit note for treatment of patient (Railway Medical Beneficiary) to other Railway Hospital with or without referral_Simplification of process.
3. Emergency to Rly Beneficiaries 14.07.2015 2012/H/PNM/NFIR Provision of Emergency Railway Medical Facilities to Railway beneficiaries.
4. Exemption from RELHS 31.07.2018 2011/एच/28/1/आरईएलएचएस/कोर्ट केस एआईआरएफ पीएनएम मद सं. 19/2016 सेवानिवृत्त होने वाले कर्मचारियों को मद स. 19/2016 - सेवानिवृत्त रूप से अपनाने से छूट देने आरईएलएचएस -97 को अनिवार्य रूप से अपनाने से छूट देने का प्रावधान।
5. FMA to FPs RBE 69-2014 07.07.2014 PC-V/ 507
Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to Widowed/Divorced/Unmarried daughter in receipt of family pension- clarification reg.
6. Medical Attendance & Treatment - - Medical Attendance & Treatment
7. RB Mandate on UMID 04.01.2019 2018/Trans.Cell/Health/Medical Card Medical Identity Card Numbering and Colour Scheme & Generation of Uniform Medical I-Card.
8. RBE No 110-2018 06.08.2018 E(W)2018/PS5-1/2s Clarification regarding inclusion of dependent "Widowed daughters" and "Legally divorced daughters" (LDD) In 'Post Retirement Complimentary Pass' (PRCP) and Widow Pass.
9. RELHS Rates 21.06.2018 2017/H/28/1/RELHS/Pt.1 Subscripton rates of RELHS - regarding.
10. Son Divorced Unemployed 18.06.2018 2017/H-1/2/10/R.C.F Removal of age limit of 25 years of medical facilities for dependent children of serving Railway employees and pensioners.
11. Split Medical Card 9.02.2018 2017/H-1/2/13/SplitMedicalIdentityCard Split Medical Identity Card to serving Railway employees.
12. Validity of Family Members/ Dependents 08.06.2018 2018/Trans.Cell/Health/Medical Cards Medical Identity Cards - Uniformity and renewal.
13. Ward Entitlements 19.04.2024 2021/H-1/11/10/MoU Revised entitlement of Hospital Wards for Railway Medical beneficiaries in Railway empanelled Hospitals.
14. UMID Guidelines Discussed in Demo - - UMID Guidelines Discussed in Demo
15. Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to widowed/ unmarried/divorced daughters In receipt of Family Pension 19.07.2024 PC-VII/218
Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to widowed/ unmarried/divorced daughters in receipt of Family Pension.