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81% of Americans believe news is very important to democracy, yet 86% of Americans see a fair amount of bias in news coverage.
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over 50,000 Sources Never miss a story with Ground News. The world's largest news aggregator.
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aren’t being shown. Ground News shows you all the news, regardless of political bias. See what the other side sees.
02 Access news from over 50,000 Sources Never miss a story with Ground News. The world's largest news aggregator.
03 Discover Stories you aren’t being shown. Ground News shows you all the news, regardless of political bias. See what the other side sees.
Ground News has made following the news more approachable, affordable, and engaging. I used to be comfortable in my bubble, only reading stories from local sources that I trusted. In all honesty, I found global news sources to be overwhelming and intimidating. Thanks to the unparalleled user experience of Ground News, I am proud to say that I’ve “bursted my bubble.”
With Ground, I was able to see stories as they were coming out and which side was reporting and not reporting certain stories. When there was no attention being given on one side of the spectrum, one side of the audience is being kept in the dark. Ground took me from resenting the other side, to being able to understand them. It gave me perspective.”