ASEAN’s Free Trade Agreements: An Overview

ASEAN could become the world’s fourth-largest economy by 2030, comprising of a consumer market valued at over US$4 trillion.

This economic achievement will be driven by four major forces: strong demographic trends (65 percent of ASEAN’s 600 million population will be middle-class), increasing foreign investment, rising income levels, and digital advances.

Strengthening the bloc’s continued growth trajectory is its various free trade agreements (FTAs) some of which are the world’s largest. These FTA offers numerous opportunities for foreign investors, ranging from capitalizing on Singapore as the region’s financial services hub or moving manufacturing operations to low-cost regions in Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

International businesses can benefit from ASEAN’s FTA network in the form of reduced importer costs, improved custom clearances, and increased access to products eligible for preferential treatment. Moreover, there are numerous tax and fiscal benefits such as tax holidays and deductions.

ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area

The ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) came into force in January 2010 and currently eliminates 90 percent of goods traded between ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand. The FTA covers approximately a population of 653 million and over US$4.3 trillion.

The agreement will be fully implemented in 2025, by which time, almost all trade between ASEAN states, Australia, and New Zealand will be tariff-free.

In 2019, signatories to the FTA were in discussions to upgrade the agreement so as to develop rules in modern trade policy areas as well as address remaining issues.

The parties have focused on reviewing these key trading areas: