Any citation payable to the Department of Revenue must be postmarked within 20 days of the violation date in order for payment to be applied to the citation and to prevent the citation from being sent to the court.
For Penalty Assessments (not Summons or Municipal Citations):
The Penalty Assessment Unit is responsible for processing citations issued by law enforcement agencies that are written under the Colorado State Statutes. Any citation payable to the Department of Revenue must be postmarked within 20 days of the violation date in order for payment to be applied to the citation and to prevent the citation from being sent to the court. Payment may be check or money order (We do not accept cash unless you pay in person). Online or phone payments are not available. All checks or money orders should be made payable to the Department of Revenue. Citations that are designated as a Summons or a Municipal citation must be paid through the appropriate court and cannot be accepted through the Department of Revenue.
A point reduction will be applied to all citations paid in a timely manner. The charge shown on the citation will remain the same. Payment is considered an admission of guilt and if an individual wishes to contest the citation a court appearance is required. The court appearance date is shown on the citation.
All citations issued to a minor (an individual under the age of 18) must be accompanied with a DR 2334 Penalty Assessment Notice Minor Affidavit form which the officer should provide to the minor. Parental signature must be witnessed by a Notary Public and seal with signature of Notary on the form.
Lost tickets, Port of Entry citations, payment verification, court phone number or questions regarding a Penalty Assessment Citation may be answered through 303-205-5610. All non English speaking customers must provide their own interpreter.
Note: Department of Revenue DMV cannot help with parking tickets or photo radar tickets. Work with the issuing agency for these.