Business Advantage Auto Loans

At least one applicant must have an income greater than 0.

Let's get rolling

* Response required

You can request a change to the loan amount once you have the final price or payoff of the car. Changes may affect your approval and loan terms.
Our application allows you to select certain term lengths; you can discuss other term lengths that may be available with your loan officer after your application is submitted.

Do you have details about the car you want? * Is it a Bank of America auto loan? * Loan amount * Enter only numeric digits including decimals. $ Online banking customers can save time by prefilling their application. * Yes, I would like to log in and save time No, I will continue without signing in

What should I do if I've frozen my credit?

If you have frozen your credit report due to security concerns, you will need to temporarily unfreeze with all three credit bureaus (Equifax, TransUnion and Experian) to proceed with an auto application. Please refer to the instructions provided when you froze your report or contact the individual bureaus for more information.

We are sorry for any inconvenience, but the system is currently unavailable. Please click HERE to try again.


| continue as guest

Online banking customers can save time by prefilling their application.

Tell us about your vehicle

To give you the most accurate loan information, we'll need a few more details.

* Response required
Is it a new or used car? * Do you have a VIN (Vehicle identification number)? * Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN

A 17 character unique identifier. Most passenger cars and trucks are assembled with the VIN plate attached to the dash or instrument panel.

We can't find car information for this VIN. Try a different VIN or enter your vehicle details instead.

Please enter a valid 17-character VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). Try a different VIN or enter your vehicle details instead.

Cannot be greater than 75,000

Our VIN search returned multiple results. Please select your vehicle from the dropdown menu. Select your car *

Cannot be greater than 75,000

We can't find car information for this VIN. Try a different VIN or enter your vehicle details instead.

Please enter a valid 17-character VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). Try a different VIN or enter your vehicle details instead.

Our results show that your car is more than 5 years old and therefore not eligible for financing. If this is not correct, please enter your car details here.

An error occurred while accessing the vehicle database. Please enter your vehicle details.

Enter the information

Cannot be greater than 5 calendar years old

Cannot be greater than 75,000

Vehicle Identification Number

Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN

A 17 character unique identifier. Most passenger cars and trucks are assembled with the VIN plate attached to the dash or instrument panel.

Business Information

First we need to gather some details about your business. Let's start with your business contact information.

* Response required

Business legal name
| change name layer

Business legal name * Business phone number * In xxx-xxx-xxx x Format Business street number *

No PO Boxes, please.

Business street name *

No PO Boxes, please.

Business address line 2 Suite #, Unit #, etc.

Suite #, Unit #, etc.

Zip code * First 5 Digits Required

First 5 Digits Required

Is this your main office or headquarters? *

Changing your business name

To change your business name, please visit a financial center.

Business Information

We need to ask a few questions for legal purposes.

* Response required
Federal Tax ID number * In xx-xxx xxx x Format What is a Federal Tax ID?

The Business Tax ID is also known as Employer Identification Number (EIN). Enter 9 digits only, no dashes. For sole proprietors, enter the owner's Social Security number if there is no Federal Tax ID Number.

Country of legal formation * State of legal formation * Legal entity * Primary country of operation *

Business information

Next we need to know how your business was established.

* Response required
Month and year business was established * In MM/YYY Y Format

MM/YYYY - Minimum 2 years in business

What does this mean? This date should match the paperwork filed with the Secretary of State. Annual business revenue * To the nearest dollar $

To the nearest dollar

What does this mean?

The total amount of money earned over the course of a year. Also known as gross receipts, you can find this number on your business’s annual income tax returns.

Number of employees * What does this mean?

The number of employees is the total of all current full-time, part-time and seasonal employee workers, as well as contractors who work primarily for the business applying for credit. It does not include the principal owners of the business.

Type of industry *

Not finding the right fit? Please select “Services”

Industry subtype *

Not finding the right fit? Please select “Miscellaneous Services”

Business Operations

Just a few more questions about your business.

* Response required
Is there a Parent Company with more than 50% ownership? * What is the name of the parent company? * Please provide one of the following pieces of information about the parent company * Parent company Tax ID Parent company address Parent Company Tax ID * In format xx-xxx xxx x Business street number * Residential (no P.O. boxes)

No PO Boxes, please.

Business street name * No PO Boxes, please. Business Address line 2 Suite #, Unit #, etc.

Suite #, Unit #, etc.

Zip code * First 5 Digits Required

First 5 Digits Required

Does your business have a Doing Business As (DBA) name different from your legal business name? * What is a Doing Business As DBA name?

Business operation under an assumed name, trade name or DBA name is a business name that is different from your personal name, the names of your partners or the officially registered name of your LLC or corporation. Example: Smith Enterprises LLC has the DBA name ‘Popsicles R Us‘.

What is your DBA name? * Is this business a non-operating entity? * What is a non-operating entity?

Non-Operating Entity is an organization, such as a holding entity, Trust, Estate, personal investment company or personal holding company. It does not involve the making, selling, buying of a product or the offering of services.

Where does the business originate funds from? * Is this business classified by the IRS as a Nonprofit? * Is this business operating as a charity or non-governmental organization? * What is a charity or non-governmental organization?

A charity is an organization which is exempt from federal income tax as part of the Internal Revenue Code. A nonprofit is an organization that has registered at the state level, but has not necessarily exempt from either federal or state taxes. A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a nonprofit usually funded by donations, or run by volunteers. An NGO is independent from governmental organizations, and can run on a local, national, or international level.

Is the primary mission of the charity/non- profit in the U.S. or international? * What is the legal classification of the charity or non-profit? * Does this company conduct business outside the U.S.? * What is Non-US business activity?

Business activity with countries outside of the U.S. or U.S. territories includes importing or exporting goods, maintaining company office locations, sending / receiving international wires, or collecting / donating funds for charities or organizations.

Is the non-U.S. activity 50% or greater of the businesses transaction count or dollar amount? * Is your business publicly traded? * What is a publicly traded company?

A publicly traded or publicly held company is a corporation whose ownership is dispersed among the general public via shares of stock which are freely traded on a stock exchange or in over the counter markets.

Exchange type * Does this business engage in internet gambling activities? * What is internet gambling activities?

Bank of America doesn’t open accounts for companies that generate revenue from internet gambling activities. This includes businesses that operate gambling websites or facilitate online betting on sporting events or casino games.

Personal information

Thank you for providing information about your business. Now we need to verify your information, since both you and the business will be responsible for the loan.

* Response required
Changing your name

To change your name, you’ll have to visit a financial center.

Social Security Number
***-**- Show

First name * Middle name Date of birth * In format MM/DD/YYY Y

You must be 18 years old or otherwise have the ability to legally contract for automotive financing in your state of residence, we may require proof of eligibility.

Phone number * In xxx-xxx-xxxx Format Why we need an email address?

We need your email address to be able to send you information about your application status or contact you regarding your experience with the online process.

Is your residential address the same as your business address? * Address number *

No PO Boxes, please.

Street name * No PO Boxes, please. Address line 2 Suite #, Unit #, etc.

Suite #, Unit #, etc.

Zip code * First 5 Digits Required

First 5 Digits Required

Time at this address *

Personal information

Next please tell us a few details to help us verify your information and contact you about your loan.

* Response required
Are you a US citizen? * Additional security

Bank of America, like all financial institutions, is required by Federal law to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each customer who opens an account with us. When you open an account with us, we will ask you for your name, address and other information that will allow us to identify you.

Country of citizenship * Citizenship Status * Social Security number * In format XXX-XX-XXXX Do you have a dual citizenship? * What is a dual citizenship? Dual citizenship is when a person is regarded as a citizen of more than one country at a time. Country of dual citizenship * Country of residence * Mother's maiden name * What does this mean? We use mother's maiden name to verify your identity if you need to check your application status. Confirm maiden name *

Personal Information

The last thing we need are some income details. We need this information because both you and the business will be responsible for the loan.

* Response required
Employment status * Occupation * What most closely describes your job?

What most closely describes your occupation?

Employer name * Don't work for a company? Enter self-employed.

Don't work for a company? Enter self-employed.

Time employed *

How long have you been at this job?

Work number *

Note: The phone number supplied may be used to leave a detailed message regarding your loan. If you are providing a mobile phone number, by submitting your application, you are providing consent to receive text messages on the mobile number provided.

Total gross annual income

Alimony, child support or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if you do not wish to have it considered as a basis for repayment. Total gross annual income may include nontaxable income. If you include nontaxable income, increase that amount by 25%.

Note: Proof of income may be required.

Total gross annual income (if you don’t have income, enter $0) * $

To the nearest dollar

Yearly income * $

To the nearest dollar

Income source * Total gross annual income $

To the nearest dollar

Income source Housing status * Monthly housing payment * $ Percentage of business ownership * Business title *

Beneficial owners

Please add any business owners with 25% or more ownership or equity.

* Response required
Are there other business owners with 25% or more equity? *



Beneficial owner
Percentage ownership of business * Enter only numeric digits.

Your Ownership Percentage

First name * Middle name Date of birth * In format MM/DD/YYY Y Address number *

No PO Boxes, please.

Street name * No PO Boxes, please. Residential address line 2 Suite #, Unit #, etc.

Suite #, Unit #, etc.

Zip code * First 5 Digits Required

First 5 Digits Required

Are you a US Citizen? * Additional Security

New federal anti-money laundering laws require us to verify every customer’s identity. That’s why we may ask you for personal information.

Social Security number * In format XXX-XX-XXXX Country of citizenship * Citizenship Status * Do you have dual citizenship? * What is dual citizenship? Dual citizenship is when a person is regarded as a citizen of more than one country at a time. Country of dual citizenship * Country of residence * Additional security

New federal anti-money laundering laws require us to verify every customer's identity. That's why we may ask you for personal information.

Please add any owners with 25% or more ownership

Are you sure you want to remove this owner?

The owner information will not be saved.

Controlling manager

The controlling manager manages the day-to-day business activities and is typically responsible for accounting and finance operations.

* Response required
Who is the controlling manager? *
Controlling manager
First name * Middle name Date of birth * In format MM/DD/YYYY Address number *

No PO Boxes, please.

Street name * No PO Boxes, please. Address line 2 Apartment #, Unit #, etc.

Suite #, Unit #, etc.

Zip code * First 5 Digits Required

First 5 Digits Required

Are you a US citizen? * Additional Security

New federal anti-money laundering laws require us to verify every customer’s identity. That’s why we may ask you for personal information.

Country of citizenship * Citizenship Status * Social Security number * In format XXX-XX-XXXX Do you have a dual citizenship? * What is a dual citizenship? Dual citizenship is when a person is regarded as a citizen of more than one country at a time. Country of dual citizenship * Country of residence * Additional security

New federal anti-money laundering laws require us to verify every customer's identity. That's why we may ask you for personal information.

Review Important Disclosures

Thanks. We have the information we need to process your application. Please review a few important disclosures to continue.

* Response required

Electronic Consumer Information consent

To receive the Consumer Information electronically, read the complete disclosure and then select I consent on this page.

As part of your online auto loan application, Bank of America, N.A., is required by law to provide you with certain Consumer Information. You have the right to receive the Consumer Information on paper. With your consent, we may provide the Consumer Information to you electronically instead. If you prefer to receive the Consumer Information on paper, you’ll need to visit any Bank of America banking center to apply in person.

Your consent only applies to this loan application and the documents listed here. You aren't required to consent to receive information electronically to complete this application. If you’d like to withdraw your consent after consenting to receive information electronically, or if after receiving electronic documents you would like paper copies, you may do so in the Application Status Center or contact us at 1.888.540.5730 and we will provide you with paper copies at no charge. You can also update your contact information with us by calling that same telephone number. Consent withdrawal won’t apply to any actions already taken or initiated in reliance on your consent.

Type of electronic Consumer Information you may receive:

System requirements

In order to properly access and retain your Consumer Information, you must have the following hardware and software (collectively known as system requirements):

For documents in PDF format, you will need Adobe Reader. Go to to download a free copy.

I, FIRSTNAME LASTNAME, as duly authorized representative, consent on behalf of BUSINESS NAME. * I, FIRSTNAME LASTNAME, consent as co-applicant. * hidden input hidden input hidden input hidden input

Review Important Disclosures

Next is the eSignature disclosure. Consenting to it enables you to sign documents electronically.

* Response required

Electronic delivery and signature consent for Closing Documents

To consent to receiving and signing electronic Closing Documents, scroll to read the complete disclosure and then select I consent on this page.

If your loan application is approved, Bank of America, N.A., is required by law to provide you, in writing, the following documents related to your loan transaction:

We collectively refer to these documents as the Closing Documents. You have the right to receive the Closing Documents on paper. With your consent, we may provide the Closing Documents to you electronically instead. Signing documents electronically could save you time since you won’t have to wait for the post office to deliver your documents. They’ll be posted online as soon as they are available for electronic signature.

Your consent only applies to this loan application and the documents listed here. You aren’t required to consent to receive information electronically to complete this application. If you'd like to withdraw your consent after consenting to receive information electronically, or if after receiving electronic documents you would like paper copies, you may do so in the Application Status Center or contact us at 1.888.540.5730 and we will provide you with paper copies at no charge. You can also update your contact information with us by calling that same telephone number. Consent withdrawal won’t apply to any actions already taken or initiated in reliance on your consent.

System requirements

In order to properly access and retain your Closing Documents, you must have the following hardware and software (collectively known as system requirements):

For documents in PDF format, you will need Adobe Reader. Go to to download a free copy.

Please note: Do not use a mobile device (e.g., smartphone) to access your Closing Documents. At this time, the electronic signing process is only optimized for computers or tablets with a minimum screen size of 7.9 inches or larger.

I, FIRSTNAME LASTNAME, as duly authorized representative, consent to the use of electronic records and signatures on behalf of BUSINESS NAME. *

I, FIRSTNAME LASTNAME, consent to the use of electronic records and signatures as a co-applicant. * hidden input hidden input hidden input hidden input

Review Important Disclosures

Please review the application Terms & Conditions and any special disclosure that applies in your state.

* Response required

Application Terms & Conditions

By giving us your phone number and submitting this application, you acknowledge that:

  1. You've received and reviewed any special disclosure that applies in your state: ME, CA, NY, RI, OH, VT and WI residents.
  2. All information submitted for the business and the co-applicant is true and correct and is given to obtain credit from us.
  3. You are of legal contracting age.
  4. Credit approval, Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and credit terms are based on our review of the co-applicant information and credit report.
  5. As co-applicant, you understand we collect your individual income information to determine your individual ability to pay. Examples may include income earned from your employment (salary, overtime, bonus), retirement/pension benefits, and rental properties. Student loans, grants, scholarships and financial aid are not acceptable sources of income. Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if you don't wish it to be considered as a basis for repayment.

On behalf of yourself and the small business applicant, you acknowledge:

  1. You are submitting this joint loan application for yourself in your individual capacity and for the small business applicant as its duly authorized representative.
  2. The loan proceeds (if approved) will be used for business purposes and not for personal, family, or household purposes.
  3. You will provide satisfactory evidence of your authorization, such as a completed Resolution for Credit to Purchase or Borrow.
  4. You and the small business applicant will be jointly and severally liable for the obligations of any loan approved as a result of this application.

On behalf of yourself and the small business applicant, you authorize Bank of America, N.A. to:

  1. Obtain a credit report on you and the small business applicant for use in making a credit decision on your application.
  2. Use the information on this application and any other information we or our affiliates have about you to determine your ability to pay, as required by federal law.
  3. Verify, at our option and for our benefit, all application information.
  4. Contact you or any employee, officer, member, or partner of the small business applicant or send a detailed message or messages at the telephone, email or direct mail contact data you provided above for purposes of fulfilling this application, or servicing any loan extended in response thereof even if you have previously registered on a Do No Call registry or requested Bank of America not to send marketing information to you or the small business applicant by email and/or direct mail. You consent for yourself and on behalf of the business co-applicant that we and our affiliates may leave detailed messages at the telephone, email and direct mail contact data you provided above.

Use automatic telephone dialing systems and prerecorded voice messages in connection with calls or texts made to any telephone numbers you or the small business applicant provide even if telephone number is assigned to a cellular/mobile telephone service or other service for which the called party is charged according to their normal text messaging rates.

Authorization for the Social Security Administration to Disclose Your Social Security Number Verification

You authorize the Social Security Administration (SSA) to verify and disclose to Bank of America through Early Warning Services, our service provider, for the purpose of this transaction whether the name, Social Security Number (SSN) and date of birth you have submitted matches information in SSA records. Your consent is for a one-time validation within the next 90 days. By checking the box, you are signing the consent for SSA to disclose your SSN Verification to Bank of America, and you agree that your electronic signature has the same legal meaning, validity and effect as your handwritten signature.


If the account application is approved, do we have your permission to open your account prior to sending you a copy of our Bank of America US Consumer Privacy Notice, which will be sent with your customary account disclosures?

USA PATRIOT Act disclosure

All financial institutions are required by federal law to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each customer before opening an account. When you open an account with us, we will ask you for your name, address and other information that will allow us to identify you, such as Social Security number and date of birth.

Information Sharing with Dealers

With your approval letter you will receive a unique approval code to provide to the selected dealership. By providing your approval code at an authorized dealership, we will provide your information to the dealership so that you can quickly and easily complete the financing process with Bank of America. You should be aware that, after providing your approval code, any modifications to your application at the dealership may result in another inquiry by us to one or more credit bureaus in order to process your credit request. Separately, the dealership has the ability to submit your application information to other lenders via their internal systems and, as a result, the dealership may obtain an additional copy of your credit bureau report. This is not necessary to complete financing with Bank of America, and a dealership must gain your consent and request for credit before submitting your information to any other lenders.